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Psychological counseling &

education solution in various languages

guided by GROW

 experience the change

콘크리트 벽

Global psychological counseling solution GROW

Sometimes we feel like we are lost in life and we can be weighed down by the weight of responsibility and despair. As a certified mental health counselor, I understand better than anyone else that you may be confused about where to go. I provide health and wellness education and counseling to clients to help them manage stress and live a much happier, healthier life. If you would like to help me, please feel free to contact me.


When you feel depressed and anxious
Experience GrowMind's counseling solutions. 

콘크리트 벽에 빛을 내다


GROW services is provided in various languages such as English, Chinese, Vietnamese and French as well as Korean.


Grow provides proven psychological tests, counseling, and programs by fully trained domestic and international counseling and master's and doctoral degrees in psychology.

Open Your Experience

Grow is ready to listen to all your experiences and stories. You can share frustrated desires, childish feelings, and recurring dangerous thoughts.



Counselors trained in multicultural sensitivity provide counseling without prejudice or discrimination against countries, races, cultures, genders, and lifestyles.

with GROW

Grow Welcomes You!


growMind Counseling & Psychotherapy 

Space for Healing & Recovery

Professional psychotherapy for Mental health

issues-Depression,Anxiety, Bipolar, ADHD,

Stress, Addiction, Personality issue,

Relationship issue, Cultural Adjustment issue

Couples therapy 

Children & Adolescence therapy

Art & Play therapy

Complete psychological assessment

Bowon building 2nd floor. 95-1, Hangangro 2ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 





every time



contact us

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©2024 by growMIND. Proudly created with

유한회사 그로우마인드 대표: 오혜영 

서울 용산구 한강로2가 95-1 2F 02 749 3337 사업자 번호: 564 81 03096


Bowon building 2nd floor. 9, Hangang-daero 48-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul  82 2 749 3337 

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